How to Delete Joyride Account: Step-by-Step Guide

When a user decides to stop using an online service, it’s important for them to be able to close their account securely and completely. In the case of Joyride, a social gaming platform, users may choose to delete their accounts for various reasons. These could range from a desire to protect their privacy, to a simple loss of interest in the games offered. It is the service’s responsibility to offer a straightforward process for account deletion, which should be outlined clearly in their terms of service and privacy policy.

The process of deleting a Joyride account typically begins with the user logging into the service, navigating to the account settings, and following the instructions provided for account termination. It’s essential for users to understand that once an account is deleted, it may not be recoverable. This means all associated data, such as game progress or friend lists, will also be permanently removed.

Users often register with services like Joyride without fully considering the long-term implications of their digital footprint. Careful consideration and understanding of Joyride’s account deletion process can help ensure that one’s personal information is not left vulnerable. The user must be cognizant of the impact of deletion on any content or personal data that was shared through the service while also adhering to the steps and guidelines set forth in Joyride’s policies.

Understanding Joyride Account Services


Joyride offers a cohesive experience for users to manage their game data, account security, and restoration options. Each service is designed to enhance the gaming experience, ensuring that progress is not lost and social features remain accessible.

Game Data and Progress

Users’ in-game journey, including progress and achievements, is stored under their unique Joyride account. This data encompasses levels completed, scores earned, and any vehicles or items collected. It ensures that a player can pick up exactly where they left off, even if they switch devices.

  • Progress: Maintained across all played games.
  • Achievements: Recorded and displayed to track milestones.

Account Registration and Login

To access Joyride services, individuals must register for an account. The registration process requires standard credentials and optionally links to a social network to facilitate connections with friends. Upon creating an account, users can communicate with others and meet new players within the Joyride community.

  • Registration: Email, username, and password.
  • Social Features: Linking to social networks for community interaction.

Backup and Restore Options

Joyride provides options to backup game data to prevent loss of progress. A user can restore their game data to a new device, ensuring continuity of their gaming experience. This service is crucial for safeguarding against data loss scenarios.

  • Backup: Options for saving data to cloud services.
  • Restore: Simple steps to retrieve game data on various devices.

Preparing to Delete Your Account


Before deleting a Joyride account, it’s important for users to back up data, disconnect their account from any third-party services, and cancel active subscriptions to avoid future charges.

Backup Your Data

Users should ensure that their account data is backed up to avoid losing their preferences, game data, and progress. For Android users, data can be backed up to Google’s servers using the Google Play Store’s backup service. iOS users can utilize iCloud for backing up their Joyride account details. To initiate a backup:

  • On Android:
    1. Go to Settings > System > Backup.
    2. Turn on Backup to Google Drive.
  • On iOS:
    1. Go to Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud.
    2. Toggle on iCloud Backup.

Unlink from Google and Facebook

It’s crucial to unlink the account from any associated Google or Facebook accounts. This ensures that the deletion process is thorough and that personal data is not left behind on these platforms.

  • To unlink from Google:
    1. Visit the connected apps section in the Google account settings.
    2. Find Joyride and select Remove.
  • To unlink from Facebook:
    1. Go to Settings > Apps and Websites.
    2. Select Joyride and click on Remove.

Cancel Subscriptions and Purchases

Any active subscriptions through Bricknet, Halfbrick’s proprietary server, need to be canceled before account deletion to prevent future billing. Additionally, users should cancel any purchases pending through the Google Play Store or iOS App Store.

  • For Android:
    1. Open Google Play Store.
    2. Tap on Menu > Subscriptions.
    3. Find Joyride and click on Cancel Subscription.
  • For iOS:
    1. Go to Settings > [Your Name] > Subscriptions.
    2. Select Joyride and tap on Cancel Subscription.

Steps to Delete Your Joyride Account


To permanently remove a Joyride account, one must follow a specific set of instructions depending on the operating system of their device. Here are the detailed steps for both Android and iOS users.

For Android Users

  • Go to Settings: On their Android device, the user should navigate to the ‘Settings’ app.
  • Access Google Settings: Within Settings, locate and tap on ‘Google’.
  • Find Connected Apps: Scroll down to ‘Connected Apps’ and select it.
  • Search for Joyride: Look for the Joyride app in the list and select it.
  • Select Disconnect: Tap the ‘Disconnect’ button. This action may also be labeled ‘Remove Access’.
    Action Description
    Disconnect Removes the link between Google Play Games and Joyride.
    Reset Game Data (optional) A user can choose to reset their game data, which will delete all progress, currency, and purchases linked to their Google Play account.
  • Complete the Process: Confirm the disconnection and choose whether to delete the backed-up data. This will ensure that the Joyride account is no longer linked to their Google Play account.

For iOS Users

  • Go to Settings: On the iOS device, whether an iPhone or tablet, open the ‘Settings’ app.
  • Access Apple ID: Tap on the Apple ID, usually found at the top of the Settings menu.
  • Manage Subscriptions: Users with subscriptions through iCloud must cancel them manually by selecting ‘Subscriptions’, then finding Joyride and choosing ‘Cancel Subscription’.
  • Access iCloud Storage: Go back to the Apple ID page and select ‘iCloud’, then ‘Manage Storage’.
    Action Description
    View Details Allows the user to see information about their Joyride account storage.
    Delete Data By selecting ‘Delete Data’, the user can remove all records of Joyride from iCloud.
  • Confirm Deletion: Users should read the prompt that explains what will occur upon deletion and, if they agree, confirm to delete the Joyride account. This action will result in the loss of any in-game currency and purchases associated with that account.

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